International Film Festival
Transcending Borders
Bosnia-Herzegovina - Balkan - Worldwide |
Risks and Possibilities:
Multiethnicity - Multireligiosity- Multinationality
For a Sustainable Future
The IFFTB is a festival which takes borders and frontiers in question, investigating about their problematic aspects and consequences.
An important point for transcending borders is to spread real knowledge about the "other side", their human conflicts and realities. Films transcending prejudices and caricatures by just communicating real life conditions in the different countries are welcome. They already establish an important step to create understanding and tolerance. |
Multi-nationality - Multi-ethnicity- Multi-religiosity, living together in a shared place… the ongoing migration movements will intensify the issues rising up here.
The festival wants to contribute to create a space of dialogue, knowledge, sensitivity and understanding for a peaceful and sustainable future. Evidently, this is one of the most challenging political and social global issue and task today. Reciprocal understandings, recognition, acceptance of differences, in short, tolerance are the most demanded qualities to avoid next wars of all kind.
In Europe, one of the most affected regions of these conflicts are without doubt the so-called post-Yugoslav ones. In their center we find Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, we start here to "look around", to find films, fictional or documentaries, which let us understand better the rise of conflicts, the problems and barriers of communication, the hopes and fears of people confronted with permanent social and ecological menaces. False solutions are often presented as concepts based on national, ethical or religious separatism.
Consequently, we also invite specially films produced offering the daily life in these seven surrounding most concerned territories: Albania, Croatia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. Submitted films for this section should be (co)produced in these countries or treating questions, subjects, phenomenon or situations located there.
The IFFTB will organize an international competition for these countries, valorized by the MAIN AWARD, THE CREATING TOLERANCE AWARD (for works bringing cultures together in mutual understanding), the SENSITIVITY AWARD (for sensual and intellectual sensitivity) and the SURPRISE AWARD (for an astonishing and convincing approach).
In a second section we are looking for films coming from all parts of the world treating the mentioned subjects: Multi-nationality - Multi-ethnicity- Multi-religiosity, in other terms the question of problematic borders and frontiers, films, which can help us by their detailed and specific observations, how these fatal effects are made and settled. These films should treat observations about societies, groups and formations, marked by persisting national ideologies, often without any promise or strategy for efficient health and social care, without any political concept to create a human, tolerant and caring society, forcing people to live in degraded conditions, often marked by poverty and helplessness. In these conditions the only self confirmation consist mostly in just being part of a nation, ethnicity or religion.
THE FUTURE AWARD (for a sustainable future) will be attributed to these films about or from all regions worlwide.
The Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris is one the largest student campus in the world. Around 35 countries have permanent locations here. It´s the right place to reflect trancending borders. |
IFFTBW: 18, rue Budé, 75004 Paris / Tel.: 0033140469225/ dir@ifftbw.com
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